Sunday, October 31, 2010

First, I needed retainers

I am Bartholemew and what will be written here will be my adventurers.  I have attempted to write these before, but they were boring and wordy, not at all like me, so I am editing to try again.

Our fair town of Fallcrest was dealing with a severe kobold menace.  The kobolds were harassing merchants and we were in danger of... honestly, I'm not sure what.  Knowing why I'm doing something isn't my strong suit.  However, I know the kobolds were bad, everyone told me so, so I decided to put an end to their actions.

But first, I needed retainers.

Fortunately, I was able to convince many others to assist me in my ventures.  My companions, to be listed below, are not the most respectable lot, but when it's raining, you make mudpies, as my granny used to say.

My companions, in no particular order:

Izzy the Kobold ranger.  I found him in a bar so drunk that he was losing an argument about the number of legs on the stool he was sitting on... with the stool.  He was drinking out of a mug he could have swam in.  However, he so far has been accurate with his bow if not his moral fiber and where we have been his sneaky and vicious habits have been more boon than detriment.

Listillin the Drow avenger.  I am not certain of his motives.  He seems eternally cursed by bad luck and an even worse disposition.  I'm not sure if it's some remnant of a curse from Lloth as he has chosen the world above or if he's merely inept and the drow decided he'd be more of a menace to us if he was on our side, but I found him in the same bar as I found Izzy and so far he has proven loyal and surly and is surprisingly well regarded by outsiders.

Akai-Tori the Eladrin rogue.  He is stuck up, conceited, rude and aloof.  I have no idea why he hangs out with us.  However, he has so far proved reliable in a fight.  I also met him in a bar.  I realize that bars are where one hires hirelings, but must every one of my companions be a surly drunkard?

Idria the Deva invoker.  She is big and purple and calls me, "child," entirely too often.  She is soft spoken and polite and stops to read the rocks and walls and doors and floor of every room we're in.  She is our record keeper and everyone trusts her with the gold and treasure.  She pats me on the head.  Somehow she associated with Akai-Tori or Listillin and she agreed to join me in my assault on the kobolds.

Findel the Elven Cleric.  He unfortunately went off to save the city before we did and never returned.  We eventually rescued him (I'll come to that).  He seems capable.  He (confusingly) uses a bow, but recently started shooting some magic exploding silver arrows and I guess we have an archer/cleric, much to the delight of Izzy who is now constantly yelling positioning instructions to the cleric mid-fight.

Izzy, Listillin, Akai-Tori, Idria and I went to meet Lord Warden Marblehead to discuss a reward.  I was going to go save the town for free, but the meeting was already scheduled.  It started badly, but eventually I convinced the Lord Warden that my companions were capable if unkempt and that he could trust them as they were being led by me.

And off we went to Kobold Hall.